The Legends of Rock Festival to be held in San Javier on 12, 13 and August 14 will be presented next May 27 in Madrid, at Hard Rock Cafe, at 13:00 pm
The event was attended by the mayor of San Javier, Pepa Garcia and the councilman of Youth, José Luis Espinosa along with representatives of the organizing company.
In order to facilitate the attendance of local media and regional authorities have a free shuttle bus will leave in the morning at 07:00 h.
from San Javier and 07:45 AM from Murcia.
The bus will depart from Madrid on 17:00 pm
after the presentation and "refreshing" to be served next.
All those who are interested in traveling with us your registration as soon as possible.
What you can do by phone 968 19 September 1930 and direcció
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier