The mayor of San Javier, Pepa Garcia and the director of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Tomás Pérez Fuentes delivered yesterday in the hall of the Municipality of San Javier contest prizes drawing of the "Security Grows" which has developed a local primary school led by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.
Both the mayor and the director of the Security Institute, noted the importance of this campaign, developed with talks and activities for both teachers and children, and has as main objective the training and the promotion of health culture at the children and youth, both in everyday accidents and in their future careers.
The local winners will now stage the regional stage of the competition in which more than 32,000 students across the region of Murcia.
Children who picked up their prizes are college Beatriz Lopez "Severo Ochoa", Ariadna Rodriguez of "Fulgencio Ruiz" Ikram Hammou, "La Paz", Thomas Fernandez, "Fulgencio Ruiz, Angel Jiménez of Sacred Heart ; Natalia Cegarra of "El Mirador" Ángela García de "El Mirador" María Belén Martínez Villaescusa the Sacred Heart, Cristina Torres of El Mirador, and Jhom Encalada the "Fulgencio Ruiz."
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier