"You dirty dog" is the slogan that launched the Department of Health, to educate dog owners on the collection of droppings in public places.
The same campaign, collaborating with the departments of Parks and Gardens, and Public Safety, says that information has passed the stage will be fined up to 750euros by the presence of pets in children's play areas in public parks, or up to 300Euro for not picking up pet droppings in public.
For the dissemination of the campaign has released a brochure to be distributed in bulk, along with bags to facilitate the taking of depositions by persons accompanying the dogs, which are required for three ordinances.
The pamphlet published by the Department of Health reminded the rules contained in the ordinances of Parks and Gardens of the municipality of San Javier, the Protection and Animal Holding Company and the Urban Sanitation and Waste Management.
The campaign starts with an initial phase devoted to information and awareness and even a deterrent surveillance first stage that will end in compliance with local ordinances and punished with fines for behavior contrary to municipal law.
The presence of a pet in the area enclosed children's play in public parks can carry a fine of up to 750 euros, while the city not covered by the deposition of his dog could pay up to $ 300 penalty.
Councillor for Health, Mary Angel Chumillas explained that "there is the slightest interest in tax collection with this initiative.
The aim is to remind all residents that we must respect the urban environment, because the uncivil behaviors harm others, and in the case of the parks is particularly serious because it affects the hygienic conditions of spaces to children. "
Chum added that this problem "that has worsened lately, can be solved with a single gesture responsible" for what he has sought the cooperation of everyone.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier