How many people flew in Murcia?
From which countries do they come?
How is air traffic temporarily divided in the region?
Which are the most active airlines ?.
The airport of San Javier has begun a new stage as military base of the Air Force, with 2018 being the last year in which it was opened as a public airport.
In this last year, 1,271,603 passengers have passed through it, with July being the busiest month, only 163,280 passengers registered this month.
The airport registered an unequal distribution of its activity, very marked by the seasonality of the weather. Such was the difference that only in June more passengers passed through the airport than in December, January and February together.
As for the airlines, San Javier registered great activity by foreign low-cost companies, highlighting Ryanair, which represented 57% of the total activity of the airport in terms of passenger traffic.
Easyjet took second place, with 288,574 passengers followed by with 118,963 passengers.
The dominance of the Murcian air space comes from the hand of the foreign Low cost companies that have seen in the region a perfect destination for young people and European families during great part of the year due to its climate and its geographical situation.
It is not surprising that the main origin of the passengers that passed through San Javier are from northern European countries.
According to Aena's data, around 80% of the passengers came or returned from an airport in the United Kingdom.
Source: Aviclaim