| In the first session held during the alarm decree | The Plenary Session of the San Javier City Council unanimously approves a budget modification to face the difficult economic situation generated by the pandemic with a reinforcement of the items of Social Services and Public Services and a package of fiscal measures aimed at the business sector The members of the Municipal Corporation of San Javier today kept a minute of silence from their telematic devices with which they have held the first plenary session since the state of alarm was decreed, in memory of all those who died from the pandemic caused by the COVID-19.
Mayor José Miguel Luengo remembered the deceased and "on behalf of all the residents of San Javier" he took the opportunity to thank "their effort and commitment to all those who in one way or another have worked and collaborated to protect the population and make the confinement of the population is more bearable ". The economic effects of the pandemic have marked this first telematic plenary session of the San Javier City Council in which a budget modification has been unanimously approved by all municipal political groups, which will allow, among other things, to increase spending on Social Services by 250,000 euros to face the attention to the most vulnerable families.
The municipal budget, which is now adapted to the new situation, reflects other fiscal support measures for small and medium-sized businesses, the self-employed, businesses and neighbors, worth 3 million euros that the City Council will stop entering to inject liquidity into the population. The mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo pointed out that "in a situation as extraordinary as this, the measures we adopt must also be extraordinary." Luengo added that at the moment "we are focused on what is truly important, such as guaranteeing the basic needs of residents with problems, the maintenance of basic infrastructures and investments that lead to greater protection for the municipality against floods and safeguarding the Mar Menor " The mayor of San Javier thanked the opposition groups for their "predisposition to collaborate in everything related to the management of the health crisis by proposing measures and making themselves available to the municipal government to collaborate in everything necessary" and announced that, after the first emergency measures,the City Council is prepared for the adoption of new measures if the evolution of the health and economic situation requires it at any time. The current health and economic situation have led the City Council to suspend its summer Festivals and multiple scheduled sporting, festive and cultural events, whose budget items, together with other works that cannot be carried out in 2020, have given credit for a total of 853,942 euros to others to face social assistance during the pandemic with an item of 250,000 euros, as well as the reinforcement of Public Services and the expenses caused by DANA amounting to 368,000 euros.
The 250,000 euros from Social Services will be used to create a contingency fund that will reach 400,000 euros with the announced contribution of funds by the regional and state administrations, which will serve, among other things, for the launch of the newly created municipal Food Bank,with which it is intended to guarantee the coverage of a basic need such as food for all residents with problems, recalled the Mayor. The mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo also recalled that the City Council will stop collecting the garbage fee in 2020, which amounted to 2 million euros.
In addition, the City Council will avoid that the residents have to pay for the rise in the water bill provided by the Commonwealth of the Canals of Taibilla, paying the 150,000 euros of the total.
Another of the measures adopted by the City Council to alleviate the economic situation generated by the pandemic is the one hundred percent bonus for all of 2020 of the rate of occupation of the public road by the terraces of hospitality.
The refund of all municipal cultural and market sports fees collected prior to the alarm decree,as well as the reduction from 600 to 200 euros to be able to split the payment of municipal taxes are other measures along with the extension of the term of the ford rate until June 30.
The IBI and Vehicle Tax payment period ends at the end of October.
The mayor recalled that together with these measures, a plan is being worked on to boost local commerce so that it can be reactivated after the confinement has escalated, which will focus on raising awareness about the priority of consumption in local establishments.The mayor recalled that together with these measures, a plan is being worked on to boost local commerce so that it can be reactivated after the confinement has escalated, which will focus on raising awareness about the priority of consumption in local establishments.The mayor recalled that together with these measures, a plan is being worked on to boost local commerce so that it can be reactivated after the confinement has escalated, which will focus on raising awareness about the priority of consumption in local establishments.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier