Coinciding with the European Week of Sustainable Mobility, the socialist councilor Pedro Gorriz has supported the demands of the residents of La Manga and the users of the hospital for the few routes that exist, which make travel by public transport unfeasible without wasting hours. The PSOE councilor in the San Javier City Council, Pedro Gorriz, has regretted that "the mayor does not take measures to improve the sustainable mobility of the municipality.
In fact, it seems that on the environment the mayor is only concerned about continuing to preside over the Federation commission of Municipalities for which to meet with their colleagues and promote themselves in the face of their political future ". Gorriz regrets that "when 2,758 cities in 49 countries, including 521 municipalities in Spain, are celebrating the European Mobility Week these days, dedicated to achieving the reduction of emissions, in San Javier we not only have no activities but there is not a single electric bus that provides service in the municipality and the few polluting buses that we have do not cover the needs of the neighbors due to the infrequency with which they pass.
" "San Javier is very poorly communicated by public transport with the rest of the municipalities of the Region but what the sky cries out is the few combinations that exist to be able to go, for example, to the Hospital de Los Arcos, or to move within La Manga del Mar Menor, "added Gorriz, who has shown his support for the claims of the Vecinos Association of Veneciola-La Manga Norte, which these days are collecting signatures through the internet after the mayor ignored them in their claims.
In this sense, he stressed that "if a neighbor from Veneciola misses the bus that leaves Cabo de Palos at 7:00 p.m., he will have to spend the night there." Luengo has not made a meter of bike lane The councilor stressed that "the mayor has to take measures to make life easier for the neighbors, especially those who have movement difficulties, but also because of the negative consequences of irrational use of the car in the city, both for public health as for the environment.
" Finally, the mayor has criticized that "since José Miguel Luengo is mayor, not a single new bike lane has been built in the municipality.
And those made by the PSOE when he governed are kept in poor condition.
There is a need to interconnect these lanes and create others that, for example, allow neighbors to go to the hospital or educational centers by bicycle ".
Source: PSOE San Javier