While the other political formations "has taken the closure for holidays" before time, not filing a motion for this July;
Summer has not diminished at all the spirit and good work of councilors orange background in San Javier, who, for the last full, have presented two interesting motions "underarm" with those who continue to contribute in improving of neighborhood life and the region.
Under the first of these proposals, and was adopted unanimously, C's San Javier has requested, by the municipality, the implementation of cardioprotegidas boost areas;
so it has urged both the government team of the Mayor's Office and the Autonomous Community, a study of the needs into the matter "not only in their municipal centers, but also on its beaches to that, ultimately, it meets the necessary equipment with defibrillators to save lives ".
According to sources of the municipal formation, these cardioprotegidas areas consist of "spaces that have this kind of equipment and adequately trained and other elements people, in order to ensure swift action against those sudden heart attacks originating from its scope. "
In addition, the orange background in San Javier confident that once "are implemented within the municipality these spaces cardioprotegidos and compliance with Community law, the corresponding certification bodies emitarán the hallmark of City Hall Cardioprotegido, which currently lacks our municipality" .
The second initiative brought to the full by citizens, and which was adopted despite the abstention of the council not assigned and the Popular Party, urged the Ministry of Education and Universities to the remuneration of contract teachers are paid during the months of July and August.
By this motion it has urged the Regional Government, and the Ministry of Education and Universities, to "run the referred budget item in Article 25 of the Law of the General Budget of the Region of Murcia, in order to give legal Acato the opinion issued by most parliamentary groups represencación in the Regional Assembly. "
During the plenary, Citizens showed its absolute rejection of the decision of the Government of the Region of Murcia not comply with the above standard "by the termination of temporary contracts, anticipating the end of the same for the June 30 and thus, thereby depriving pay summer this group unlike their fellow teachers career and private centers, yes you are paid their summer 100% holiday, officials therefore acted in unfairness on the basis equal work, equal pay ".
"This breach of legal mandate is another shameful example of our Regional Government, in particular, representatives of the Ministry of Education themselves, who openly proclaim that they will not enforce the law";
They have expressed from the local formation of C's.
They consider that this decision is the result of a "grave irresponsibility that disqualifies political exercise, since it contravenes legislation and European case law prohibiting discriminatory treatment as that, today, are suffering thousands of teachers in our region ".
Source: Ciudadanos San Javier