Antonio Murcia: "From San Javier Citizens we will continue to work for this turncoat not continue blocking the action of the rest of the opposition and the municipal group C's San Javier
Gastrotour During the event, held in Santiago de la Ribera Saturday 24 September, spokesman C's San Javier, Murcia Antonio expressed his huge upset by what has been called "an anti-democratic attitude."
Antonio Murcia has also expressed his indignation at the attitude and the positions of former Socialist councilor Santos Love during plenary sessions;
and he has opined that "this council, which was elected by the Socialist Party lists should leave his seat as we said a year ago."
Their attitude "is a democratic scam for all residents of San Javier".
In fact, the local spokesman for the Orange group, recalled that they are the first affected by this case turncoat, because "this council, along with the Popular Party in September, blocked a very important motion.
A motion presented in the last plenary, for better institutional communication of the City Council and social networks.
Greater democratization and participation in them ".
However, Citizens San Javier, which has not joined the final press conference called by the local PSOE, recalled that they were the first to issue a statement against the former socialist mayor, and that ultimately this transfuguismo case is "a problem arising from the infighting in the Socialist Party."
Therefore, "C's can not devote himself to save the image of other formations, despite agreeing with the background of this call.
Reason for this already we join in his day, about the motion filed last year by the Socialist Party. "
Source: Ciudadanos San Javier