Mayor José Miguel Luengo and Councilor for Town Planning Antonio Luengo chaired today a coordination and management meeting of the DUSI San Javier Strategy, which was selected by the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, among 83 Strategies of all Spain, which will be Co-financed by the Operational Program for Sustainable Growth FEDER 2014-2020 with an amount of € 4,999,134.
The meeting, which is part of the process of management of European funds, ERDF, awarded to the City of San Javier, attended by representatives of all municipal departments that make up the Office of Municipal Organization and Control whose mission is to define The projects to be implemented within the Strategy fulfill one of the four thematic areas envisaged by the Funds themselves, such as favoring low carbon energy, social inclusion, New Technologies applied to urban development, and environment and heritage.
Among other issues, Urban Planning councilor Antonio Luengo reported during the meeting on the meetings that he has periodically attended at the headquarters of the General Directorate of Community Funds, under the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, in Madrid, since Last autumn when the DUSI San Javier Strategy was approved, as it establishes the development of these aids for the national coordination of the selected Strategies.
The mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo transferred to the participants in the meeting the importance of this project of the European Union for the municipality "since it is a participatory plan in which we are all involved".
Luengo said that "thanks to Europe our municipality will undergo major renovations that will allow us to improve the quality of life of all the neighbors by taking a step forward in modernizing and updating our resources."
José Miguel Luengo stressed the importance that European funds have had in the development of the member countries thanks to the fact that they have helped to improve regions and municipalities with millionaire investments that have long benefited the municipality of San Javier itself, New purification station, among other infrastructures.
Luengo also recalled that La Manga will also benefit from European funds since, along with the San Javier Strategy, the La Manga Strategy promoted by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia was also selected, which will involve a total investment of € 18.75 million, of which € 15 million comes from European funds.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier