Portal de San Javier


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Culture and the Town Hall of San Javier will return to the mill "El Maestre" its original appearance (09/01/2018)

The counselor Javier Celdrán recalls that "windmills are emblematic buildings that characterize the landscape of the region and are therefore an important claim of cultural tourism"

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment and the City of San Javier will recover the water windmill 'El Maestre' of the municipality.

The Community has granted a subsidy of 80,000 euros for the rehabilitation and restoration of this building classified as an Asset of Cultural Interest, which was visited today by the councilor Javier Celdrán and the mayor José Miguel Luengo.

This action is part of the new Regional Cultural Heritage Strategy which includes priorities such as the recovery of deposits and cultural assets, interventions in castles, monasteries and unique buildings, as well as windmills, which will have a plan specific director.

These actions are aligned with others of the central Administration, such as the national plans for Traditional Architecture, Cultural Landscapes or Industrial Heritage.

The mill 'El Maestre' is quite deteriorated and, according to Celdrán, "thanks to this action it will recover its original appearance, with the reconstruction of the spire and the blades, which it lacks at present, and also working on its coating internal and external, which will guarantee the preservation of it, dating from the late nineteenth or early twentieth century and has an even greater importance when it comes to educating the youngest and society in the protection of heritage by being very near the urban center of San Javier ".

During the visit, the Minister of Culture recalled "the work carried out by the regional government to convert our artistic and historical heritage into an important attraction within cultural tourism and an example of revitalizing the economy and preserving our history and our identity "

In this sense, he added, "windmills are emblematic buildings that characterize the landscape and whose recovery and enhancement we promote from Culture in collaboration with the municipalities, promoting joint work between administrations."

The mills are a common construction in the area of ​​the Mar Menor and in the entire field of Cartagena, where the shallow depth of the water table was used to extract water and channel it to the irrigation areas.

In total, in the Region of Murcia there are 221 windmills in 14 municipalities.

Culture already financed in 2016 the actions of conservation and protection of the salt mills of Quintín and La Calcetera of San Pedro del Pinatar and subsidies for the restoration of the Mill of Las Piedras, of Cartagena, to which another 80,000 will be allocated are already approved. euros, and the Molino de Farroco or de la Viuda, in Torre Pacheco, for which an aid of 35,000 euros has been granted.

Through these actions, "the regional government's support to the municipalities when it comes to preserving their heritage is again evident, thus enhancing local identity and tourist diversification, offering visitors new incentives to enjoy our municipalities, "explained Celdrán.


The actions for the rehabilitation and partial restoration of the mill 'El Maestre' of San Javier will begin with the clearing and cleaning of the surrounding land, as well as with the debris both inside and outside the construction.

The masonry wall will be reconstructed (compact and unworked limestone) and it will be verified that there are no direct filtrations or by capillarity, repairing the cracks, making the coverings, repairing the pavement and replacing the carpentry, among other actions.

Once the roof truss is fixed, the spire roof will be covered by a board deck of wooden boards, and the blades of the mill will also be made of national pine wood.

Finally, on the existing, new and repaired wooden elements, a fungicidal and bactericidal paint will be applied that will contribute to its protection.

Source: CARM

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