The mayor of San Javier, Pepa Garcia and Luis de Ahumada, SICE company representative, this morning signed a contract worth 113.740euros through which the said company shall provide the opening and closing, and the maintenance of Estacio bridge for a year.
Starting tomorrow, the bridge will be opened 7 times a day, every 2 hours from 09:00 h.
until 21:00 pm, with an opening time of 15 minutes, and from September 30 will open six times a day, every two hours between 10:00 pm and 20:00 pm, said after signing the Mayor the contract.
Pepe Garcia recalled that the signing of this contract, the municipality of San Javier in compliance with the moratorium of 1 year gave the government and institutions that benefit from the operation of the bridge, "to reach a solution that is consistent with the law but also be fair to the residents of San Javier. "
The mayor of San Javier noted that the City maintains its decision, announced over 1 year, no solo tackle the infrastructure expense of general interest and reminded that "yet, and with the intention of solving the problem and not harm anyone, decided to organize an open competition to award one-year service, which should be sufficient time to reach a final settlement of all concerned. "
The contract signed this morning in the municipality of San Javier and the new conditions governing the morning from the bridge operative has been communicated to all ports, yacht clubs, associations involved, municipalities and ministries related to infrastructure.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier