The young Clara Madrigal Gallego, the troupe "Ole-Ola" was proclaimed Queen of Carnival in Santiago de la Ribera 2011 Saturday during a gala began with an intense week of carnival, which will culminate on Sunday 13 March with a massive parade of troupes.
The fantasy presented by the representative of "Ole-Ola" accompanied by the muse, Adrian Ucha, won the title you chose four other troupes and was awarded by a jury of experts.
Child Queen title went to the girl Rebecca Gomez Diaz presented his choreography with the child Saúl Abad Cobacho representatives comparsa "Delecious" which is incorporated this year to the carnival.
The Carnival festivities in Santiago de la Ribera continue from Tuesday with a masked ball.
On Thursday there will be a contest of jokes at 22:00
The popular carnival will arrive on the evening of Saturday 12 January, and the parade of parades on the evening of Sunday 13 March at 16:00
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier