The geometry and the use of color mark the latest work of the painter Mariano Albaladejo these days you can see in the exhibition hall of the Museum of San Javier, scheduled by the Department of Culture.
An engineer by profession, Albaladejo "enjoys" the geometry which has come after a long journey that shows his nonconformity as a painter by looking for new languages ​​and techniques.
"Return to top of the drawing that is the point, to stay on the line," explained Mariano Albaladejo in a preview of his works performed geometric and successful in his previous exhibition at San Javier.
On this occasion fills the room with acrylics on paper or cardboard, with volumes and geometric figures which confers a certain movement and depth softening the rigidity of the line, and through the use of color.
Aurora Lopez The mayor opened the exhibition with the artist surrounded by family and friends at the Museum of San Javier which will remain open until November 25 in the morning and afternoon.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier