On Tuesday February 7, opened the exhibition "Rare Diseases Full of Life" at the Museum of San Javier.
The exhibition consists of 62 images that reproduce the needs that patients with a rare disease while messages come through with brief testimony to how important it is to help people affected by these diseases.
The Association has Genes D'present, provided that the exhibition opened, the person who wrote it, it's the photographer, collaborator and friend of the "Big Family" D'Genes, Juan Manuel Martinez Casanova.
He want to thank the extraordinary work he did and that it moves through different parts of Spain.
In the opening ceremony attended the Councillor for Culture of the City of San Javier, Inmaculada García, coordinator of the Association D'Genes in San Javier, Rafael Moreno and representatives of different associations working with the disabled community in San Javier and in municipalities alrededor.Durante the opening of the exhibition explained the importance of raising awareness through the images.
This event is part of the acts that the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases in Murcia in partnership with the D'genes being developed to mark the World Day of Rare Diseases.
The exhibition will be in San Javier until 19 February, then transferred to hospital in the Arrixaca where it will be one week later will be the Hospital of Saint Lucia in Cartagena and end this cycle of visits in the town of Bullas.
Source: D’Genes