The councilman of Culture, Inmaculada García announced today the opening of a bookmark, under the municipal library in El Mirador, which is operational and located on the premises of the civic center of town.
The new point of reading The Mirador has made studies, reference material, novels and an Internet access point, according to the mayor, who recalled that Pozo Aledo also available at the civic center of a bookmark.
In press appearance to present the program of the public library for the next 3 months, Inmaculada García, who reported that 135,510 people used the local libraries last year, recalled that La Manga del Mar Menor and has a bigger library and more media.
The new facility, located in Castillo de Mar, has 200 square feet of municipal property, compared to the previous 80metros also incorporate natural light that was lacking.
The new library in La Manga has 97 linear feet of shelves that can be extended, and features a main room and 2 more remote.
From 50 to 60 places of study, broader, and has 8 Internet stations.
Garcia explained that the new wi-fi system allows a faster Internet connection as it is intended only for laptops.
The new facilities incorporate other media such as a toilet for the disabled and a lift.
These new instalacoines improve public library system in the municipality of San Javier also have the central library in San Javier, and another library in Santiago de la Ribera.
This translates into greater use and enjoyment of this service in the municipality, said the councilman, Inmaculada García, who recalled that in the last 12 months the municipal libraries received 135,510 visits from users face, and 36,837 hits on the website.
They joined a total of 1,696 people as new members were provided and conducted 25,852 30.224libros Internet access from open positions, increasing by 66 percent daily activities to accommodate the libraries during the past year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier