The streets of La Manga will be the protagonists of a zombie invasion as part of the spectacular live RPG Zombie Survival organized by the C-FEM (European Fantastic Film Festival of Murcia) with the City of San Javier and Association of Residents of La Manga.
This activity will make La Manga, during the night of 15 to 16 May in a city overrun by undead that aim only to destroy humanity.
The Zombie Survival La Manga was presented this morning in San Javier in the midst of a "terrifying" recreation of what can give him this RPG, with the assistance of the council of Sports, Carlos Albaladejo, Tourism, Toni Martinez, the director of C-FEM, Javier García, the national coordinator of Survival Zombie, Diego de la Concepción, the president of the Association of Residents of La Manga, Marisina Aznar, and the representative of the Association of Merchants and Entrepreneurs of La Manga and Cabo de Palos, Andrés Llames.
"La Manga is suffering a zombie invasion and the night of May 15 will break the apocalypse. Military Corps secrets come to the area to try to control chaos that will be multiplied exponentially by the geography of the area. Surrounded by sea, no one will escape "explains Javier García, director of C-FEM.
"In this 'real game' will be no stops or breaks overnight. You must dodge zombies, solving a plot and find a way to survive fiándote other survivors ... or not. We want the participants enter the game and feel the fear of chaos who knows if one day could happen in real life. "
The dynamics of this original sports-recreational bill proposes that players participating in the role of citizens fighting for their survival, ie avoid being infected by zombies before dawn comes.
As human players will be infected, will be converted into zombies with included- up until only a small group of survivors.
The winners, participants get to stay healthy overnight, will be rescued to escape from La Manga.
The role play live Survival Zombie is suitable for the whole family, children can participate from 10 years accompanied by parents or guardians.
The registration fee ranges between 5.50 and 60 euros, depending on whether the player participates initially as a zombie or as a survivor, and if you come and characterized makeup or organization.
Participants will be given a garment that distinguish them from the public and in the case of zombies, will be characterized by the organization to achieve greater realism for the game.
The mayors of Tourism and Sports, Toni Martinez and Carlos Albaladejo agreed on the originality and quality of this event "whose success will have a significant economic return in the village" said the mayor of Tourism.
Both grateful for the support partnerships Residents and Merchants and Businessmen are giving this event.
Marisina Aznar showed their enthusiasm for an activity like this, "which has already generated a buzz especially among young audiences for La Manga".
The business sector in the area also relies on an event that will bring hundreds of visitors, in the words of Andrew Llames.
The Zombie Survival responsible, Diego de la Concepción praised the characteristics of La Manga "whose narrowness between two seas give much game so nobody can escape."
The public can follow some of the evidence "but the most spectacular will take place in private spaces participants".
One hundred actors will ensure that all participants live with maximum realism a fantastic situation that probably will never forget.
Those interested in participating can get more info and buy their tickets on the official website
This is the twenty-first edition of Zombie Survival RPG that takes place in Spain and the second in the Region of Murcia as part of the C-FEM, European Fantastic Film Festival of Murcia, after the success of the event which featured Archena with more than 2,000 players, hanging the sold out.
Tickets are on sale online through the web Entradium and physical outlets as Cartoons Three Spaces in Murcia, Carrots in Cartagena, Bookstore Rada in La Manga and Sports of San Javier.
The price of tickets Physical Point of Sale is 30 €.
Link to Entradium:
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier