The City of San Javier has closed the 2014 budget with a surplus, in terms of national accounting, € 4,681,541.43 said today on full municipal mayor, Juan Martínez "which shows again that the City of San Javier loosely complies with the objective of budgetary stability. "
Juan Martinez explained that the 2014 budget settlement "confirms the good economic data presented municipal accounts" and recalled that the 2014 surplus adds to those already made in the previous two years corresponding to 2013 and 2012 .
The surplus achieved in the end of last year "next team Government may allocate investments totaling € 719,183.79," said the mayor who said the "serious and rigorous management that has taken him from all the departments to reach the current situation ".
The 2014 budget settlement shows other data such as the average period of payment to suppliers is of 12.87 days, well below the 30-day limit makes the rules, "allowing us to achieve very competitive prices "said Juan Martinez.
The mayor, who assumes the delegation of the Local Finance also stressed "optimal" level of indebtedness of the City of San Javier which represents a 27.96% of resources "far reaching 110% limit established by the Local Finance Law. "
Juan Martinez recalled the downward progression of municipal debt in 2012 amounted to 41.61% from the 32.71% in 2013 and the current 27.96% to 31 December 2014.
End of Adjustment Plan
The mayor of San Javier, Juan Martinez announced in plenary to adjustment plan had to be implanted in 2012 to resort to Plan provider payment convened by the Government of Spain "may pay all existing debts to suppliers, as Most small suppliers who needed receivables ".
Martinez said that "since we have not had the need to go to the new provider payment plans convened since we have been able to meet in a timely manner with all our payment obligations".
The mandatory annual monitoring report Economic Adjustment Plan, which is realized in Parliament, will be the last, the mayor said, "because it is terminated having achieved all the necessary economic objectives".
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier