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Citation with Don Juan in the cemetery of San Javier (21/10/2015)

The writer, thinker and artist Murcia, Soren Peñalver provide vision on the figure of Don Juan Tenorio and time that characterizes this romantic drama by José Zorrilla released for the first time in 1844, the talk will be held tomorrow Thursday 22 October at 20: 00h.

at the Museum of San Javier.

Soren Peñalver enrich his particular contribution intense presence that Don Juan Tenorio has acquired in the cultural autumn of San Javier on the occasion of the performance of "Don Juan Tenorio. Dream and Reality in the cemetery of San Javier" on Saturday October 24 to 21: 00h.

in the cemetery of the town, by the company Elvira Pineda "Friends of Tenorio".

The appointment on Thursday will also serve to present awards contest of stories in which the Department of Culture called alternative endings to the Don Juan Zorrilla whose main feature, compared to other "playboys" is the redemption that is in love Doña Inés.

In the end presented the mood has prevailed.

The three winners are two students in high school, which would specifically directed the contest: Alba Guirao, IES "Ruiz de Alda" in a brotherly relationship between Don Juan and Doña Inés is invented, and Maria Porras, the IES "Mar Menor" an end in which God breaks invented.

The other award is for Serafín Zaplana, who finally presents a Don stripped of his supposed ardor that Doña Inés wants to become a parrot Juan.

The winning stories can be read in http://donjuantenorioensanjavier.blogspot.com.es/

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier

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