Team Press Government of the City of San Javier:
Given the positioning and criticism by the two opposition groups, popular and independent, referring to the remuneration paid by low absenteeism, overtime and bonuses to workers in the municipality of San Javier, the government team wants to clarify first that the pay for low absenteeism was approved by the full City in 2004, with the popular party in the government and being his current spokesman, Juan Martinez, Councilman Hacienda Intervention negative reports and Secretariat, and supported by his vote, the independent group which was a spokesperson, as now, Arantxa Espeso.
At present, therefore, is being implemented only as agreed by the previous PP government team, with support from the independent group.
It should be recalled to their spokesmen, that while the popular party was in government paid the wages of low absenteeism, and that in the current legislature, in the presence of the independent group in the municipal government, with Arantxa Thick on the Board of Government, and one of the independent council in charge of Staff, also came into effect that bonus.
In terms of productivity fixed, criticized in House by popular spokesman, are mostly productivity provided by the former team of Government and are intended to pay the officials that in addition to their job functions, are developing another types of functions, usually in a higher category.
Correspond to overtime accumulated during October, November and December last year.
To address these situations the government team of the municipality of San Javier is working on the Relationship Jobs (RPT), document currently exist and that municipalities should be established as an Act of 1984 and participated in the drafting the popular party and vote until late January when he announced he was leaving the table.
Through the MTN, and as announced by the council of Staff, José Angel Noguera, was removed by low pay as absenteeism, productivity as fixed, and most of overtime.
The government team is working to organize a City Council that to date was in chaos, and also wishes to thank the public servants their work and daily efforts to meet the needs of our neighbors.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier