Axiom Theatre Festival brings his puppet show "Violet", the story of a girl born in the land that his mother carefully looked after, "a woman without haste" who wanted a daughter while tending his orchard one day burst the desired creature.
Encouraged by his mother and fulfill his great desire to know the world and seek answers to their constant "why", Violet begins a journey that will meet fantastic creatures and strange animals.
An adventure full of discoveries that will help you understand your own inner world.
Unconventional puppet and a story for everyone, adults and children, Axiom Theatre, Roda first reached at 19:30 h.
and San Javier later at 21:00 h.
in the alternative section of the Festival at 40 years is still a year younger than Almeria company with over 30 shows assembled has been consolidated as one of the most interesting stable companies on the Spanish scene.
His ability to surprise was recognized by Max Theatre Awards in 2005 for Best Performance Disclosure for "Commitment", and many others who have garnered over his long career, which have made indoor theater, street , puppets, and performed in alternative spaces, small towns, and most important festivals in Spain and Europe.
The author of "Violet", Rosa Diaz, is also responsible for directing the show with puppets made by Arteatro, those who put their voices, the very Rosa Diaz, Alex Furudarena, Mariano Lozano, and Javier Lopez and Eva Martin, also manipulate the puppets with Salvador Espinosa, and Paco Nicasio.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier