La Manga morning hosts the show "Soul Candy" in which actors Alchemy 130 transport the viewer into a world Fellini, fascinating, magical and evocative, all with a band, which has been published on CD, performed live.
Performed by six actors, "Candela Soul, speaks of beings who wander in solitude until they meet and come to end fused in an embrace, at which time the show spectacular increases in the fire, music and movement ending with a collective ritual in the final bonfire.
The show endorsed by the award for Best Performance in the Street Artists' Festival de Aguilar de Campo (Palencia) 2006 and Best of Show at the Fair Street Artists Leioa (Basque Country) 2007, highlighted by a refined appearance that gives a beautiful visual from beginning to end, a demanding technical execution, and deep significance of the look that makes the group Palencia, founded in 1995 on the acute loneliness of the urban man.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Javier